Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Term 3 Week 6 Winners Revealed!

Dear parents,

Below are the list of winners for the Term 3 Week 6 Math Mini Project!
3 Grace
1) Haritz
2) Eri
3) Charlyn
4) Haziq
5) Janane
6) Danny
7) Nigel
8) Phoebe Chan
9 Karel

3 Love
1) Sarrah
2) Pi Juan
3) Sunil
4) Yu Xiang
5) Jia Jian
6) Rafidah
7) Michaela
8) Sree
9) Damian
10) Hadhinah
11) Minhal
12) Khalisah

Share the great news with your precious ones and be PROUD of them and yourself!

Cheers...Mr Ang

Thank you children! You have given me the best National Day! :)

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