Thursday, August 2, 2012

Term 3 Week 6 Math Mini Project

Dear Parents,

It’s the time of the week where you get the chance to work with your child again! This week, we are going to explore how your child spends one of his/her most exciting day within the week!

Through this activity, it will heighten your child’s awareness in how he or she spends the day. It will also allow your child to apply his or her knowledge in fractions in this activity.

Below are the instructions.

1) Work with your child to decide on which is the most exciting day for him or her.

2) List out all the main activities in the day, including sleeping, on a piece of paper.

3) Taking one day (24 hours) as a whole, use fraction to represent the amount of time spent on each activity.

4) Allow your child to present his or her findings in anyway. Some examples include the use of pie charts, fraction bars, bar graph etc.

5) Last but not least, the top 5 pieces of work that are most pleasing to the eyes win.

Kindly get your child to submit his or her little masterpieces to me by next Monday!
Have fun!   Cheers...Mr Ang

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