Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Attempts to Conserve Water (3 Grace & Love) - Part 1

Dear all, it's the time of the week where some of your work will be showcased here! I sincerely hope that all of you had fun doing the water conservation project with your family! Honestly, I FEEL the "FUN" as I looked at all the entries. It is really my pleasure to be able to teach all these children and work with such supportive parents! All of you have really brighten up my day!  

Below are some examples of the pupils' work. Let us be proud of all of them! They have put their newly-learnt knowledge on water conservation into actions!

Reflections (We are only 9 years old!)

We have to save water because water is important to all living things. (Dewi) Water is very precious. We must save water. (Siti) I learnt that we should not waste water. It might cause global warming. (Sawn) I learn to save water! (Ellysha) I learn how to save water. (Bernice) Do not waste water and take shorter bath. (Ibrahim) I love these activities because they are fun and exciting! I wish to do them again! (Sujith) Not to waste water. (Phoebe Phua) I will save water from on onwards. (Si Qian) I learnt that I need to save water. It will help save money! (Andi) I must turn off the tap while brushing my teeth so as to save water. (Luqman) I can save water by filling up a cup of water before brushing my teeth. (Eri) I learn not to waste water. I felt happy when I did this task with my parents. (Arina) I love to save water. (Syafiqah) Water is precious. That’s why we have to conserve it! (Sean) We should not waste water after using it. (Phoebe Chan) I learnt how to save water. (Cherb) I learn how to save water and do not waste water. (Charlyn) I learnt that I have to save water. (Sandeepan) I learnt that it is important not to waste water. I felt happy. (Irdina) Saving water is important. (Danial) I learn how to save water. (Mirza) I learn how to save water. (Lydia) I save a lot of water when showering, brushing my teeth and using the toilet. (Haziq) I learn it is hard to save water but if you follow saving tips, it’s easy! (Danny) There are many ways to save water. We must try to save water by taking steps to conserve water. Water is precious. (Haritz) We should not turn on the tap fully when we shower, brush teeth or wash hands. We should shorten the time to save water. (Karel)  Now I know how to save water by taking certain steps. (Jia En) Every drop of water is precious, so everyone… let’s keep it precious! (Jia Jian) It was a fun experience! (James Yap) I learnt that saving water helps to reduce global warming. (Khalishah) After all these tedious work, I have learned that saving water is very important! (Jerald) I can help my parents to cut down expenses on the SP bill by turning off the tap while brushing my teeth and taking a 5 minute shower. (Sarrah) I learned how to save water in different ways. (Sasank) I learnt that saving water helps to reduce global warming. (Iman) I can save water and money very easily. (Tenzing) I learnt how to save or use water wisely. (Rafidah) I have done well in saving water. (Sakinah) Saving water is good! (Xuan Feng) Water is very precious to us so we have to save water. (Minhal) I have learnt to save as much water as I can. (Patsy) I must save water. (Sze Ni) Water is important to us. Singapore has not much water and some of the water is bought from the neighbour country. It is very expensive, so we must save water. (Bin Xu) I learned how to save water. (Adilah) I realized that saving water will save the world! (Eng Kiat) If I did not turn off the tap while brushing my teeth, I will waste water. (Rifqie) I must save water. Everyone must save water. (Cleavant) I think I should not waste water because it is precious. (Damian) I feel happy because I saved a lot of water. (Michaela) I learnt that saving water can be very useful! (Sunil) We need to save water! (James Kyaw) I learnt to save water. If not, only half of the world will get enough water in the future. (Nadrah) Wow! Saving water is so fun! I can do this everyday! Yeah! (Prathaa) I also learnt how to save electricity! (Vanessa) I think I should save water because it is precious! (Woo Jin) Saving more water is good because it saves quite a lot of money! (Jin Hng) I have a lot of fun doing these kinds of project. It makes me feel happy! (Lara) I learnt that we must save water! (Rui En) I must always turn off the tap when it is not in use. Don’t waste water. (Irdina) I understand now that there are many ways to save water. Stop global warming before it is too LATE! (Pi Juan) Water is precious. We need to change our wrong habit by saving a few litres of water per day. (Roydon) I think it is fun and I will continue doing it! (Lydia) I feel good because I am helping my parents to save money! (Hadinah) Do not waste water! (Trina) I will always try to conserve water! (Chaz) We need to save water every day! (Shi Rong) I learnt that saving water is important! (Nigel) I learnt that saving water is important! (Gabriel) Water is precious. We should know how to conserve water. (Aniket) I know how to save water! (Ting Tai) I learn how to save water! (Raudhah)

Teacher's Reflection

What was first planned to instill the importance of water conservation in my pupils turned out to produce more take-aways than expected. It is exceptionally pleasing to see pupils tapping on the opportunities given to them to go the extra miles in completng their task. The little ones are very motivated and are all willing to put their newly-learnt knowledge into actions. This is very encouraging and we, as adults, have much to learn from them!  

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